✔️This is a pre-recorded 90 minute masterclass
✔️We will be doing both an alchemization of the fear and lower frequency energies keeping you stuck as well as an activation of more POWER within.
✔️Learn my personal prayers, healings and tools to release anything getting in the way of moving forward and creating a powerful reality.
▶Learn the tools to regulate your nervous system so you become unf*ckablewith and unphased by the outside world
▶Turn all perceived failures and triggers into GOLD
▶Get your mojo back and learn how to FINALLY get out of your own way
▶Get past and heal self depricating language and habits (AKA:self sabotaging behaviours)
▶ Learn how to get into and stay in a high frequency in times of uncertainty and chaos
▶Receice the tools, strategies and alchemy to embody resilience and fortitude
▶Finally be FREED from self limitations and the energies that have been holding you stuck
▶Be personally mentored during the live Q&A